What is Vibrational Healing?

When Einstein gave us E=mc2, he also gave us the scientific foundation for understanding how human beings can be viewed as dynamic vibrational energy systems and the scientific basis for vibrational healing. The human body is matter and energy.

Blockages and imbalances cause a cell, organ, system, or energetic body to change it's vibration or frequency. Incorrect vibrations result in disease (dis-ease) or illness. The process of Vibrational Healing adjusts these unbalanced frequencies clearing blockages and effect healing in a human being's physical nature(matter) and energetic bodies

Current practice of Vibrational Healing incorporates ancient treatment methods and expands on those techniques according to findings from current scientific research into fields such as biophysics, quantum mechanics, holograms, crystal technologies and much more.

Vibrational Healing therapy rebalances the body, mind, soul and spirit according to the individual needs of each client.

As a Vibrational Healer, I use my hands to energize the frequencies of a client's Bio-Field. My energy is the catalyst which clarifies their Field, freeing their own healing power.

Our Bio-Energy fields are multi-leveled, vibrational networks, forming the supporting envelope of our bodies, minds and emotions. Those who see auras are viewing something of this energy. Our Bio-Energy fields are as specifically and uniquely structured as we are physically, even though for the most part the field is invisible.

The etheric level of the Field, which is closest to the physical, directly influences all of our body functions. It is especially healing, responsible for rebuilding and balancing the physical. This regenerative side of us is dominant when we relax, when we laugh and when we sleep. Therapy which clarifies the etheric level regenerates the body.
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