Courses in Heart Resonance Therapy

Course descriptions:

Level One - 9am to 5:30pm - $288

During the workshop you will learn:
  • The history of HRT – Discover how HRT started and how it has evolved.

  • You will receive the HRT transmission – The HRT teacher raises their vibration to a higher dimensional reality to gain access to the very specific Divine Love Resonance that is HRT and from this reality is able to perform a transmission of this resonance into the student. This transmission empowers the student for life with HRT.

  • Level One Meditation – This meditation is taught as a powerful way to amplify and assimilate the HRT connection and energy. This is essential for the student to become a powerful resonator of HRT.

  • The Universal law of Resonance - It is through this law that level one HRT works as a healing modality.

    • Learn how and why HRT works as a healing and spiritual development tool.

    • Our evolving Chakra /Energy system and how its new functionality is impacting on our life.

    • How to self treat with this powerful energy.

  • Treatment of others – Learn how to treat people in a professional way. This section of the workshop addresses legal, health and clinic procedures.

  • Other uses of HRT – Sending treatments, food, water, plants and environmental healing and clearing.

  • The levels of HRT – All levels of HRT are discussed so each student can make an informed decision on whether or not they would like to advance in this wonderful modality.

Level Two - 9am to 5:30pm - $188

During the workshop you will learn:
  • Holy Trinity Treatment – This treatment helps to re-align the grounding channel within the body thereby reinstating calmness and balance. It is a very effective treatment for people who suffer from stress, depression or any emotional issues.

  • Holy Trinity Concepts – Learn some amazing techniques to clear the negative impact of past events, create positive outcomes for future events and affirmations.

  • Inner Journey Treatments - Powerful treatments allowing you to work internally within the body. This process is like shamanic travelling into the body and can be done on yourself as well as others.

  • Body Water Scrying – Learn to remove the negative residue energies and imprints held within the water of the body. This allows the body to function with more ease and grace.

  • Body System Healing – Learn to work on very deep levels within all the major body systems clearing out emotional stagnation and disharmonious imprints. Many of these negative energies create burden and ill health.

  • Meridian Balancing – Learn simple techniques to balance the meridian flows through the body.

  • Level Two Meditation – This meditation is taught to help keep the “grounding” channel fully open and clear. It has a big impact on your consciousness and to bring in to balance your mental-emotional fields.

Level Three - 9am to 5:30pm - $188

During the workshop you will learn:
  • Level Three Meditation - The level 3 meditation is very important for the current evolutionary shift. Besides helping you to dissolve negative stagnation within the body, it also lights up your personal energy circuitry. By flooding your energy system with this very specific frequency, you are helping the body prepare and assimilate the new changes that are occurring, as we all move towards full divine awakening.

  • Activating New Spiritual Energy Pathways – During level three you will receive another energy transmission that will activate and open new energy pathways within the body. This will allow you to be at the forefront of the new spiritual awakening of mankind.
  • Connecting to your Godself – Learn how to merge with the Divine aspect within to instigate powerful healing shifts within your body and others.

  • Inter-dimensional Healing – There can be lots of energies in many realities that impact negatively on your life. In this technique you will learn to travel into different dimensional spaces to dissolve and disconnect all frequencies that do not serve you in this incarnation.

  • Harmonic Resonate Fields – By creating very powerful heart resonance energy harmonics you can supercharge and optimize many skills thereby increasing your effectiveness as a HRT practitioner.

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