About Vibrational Vitality

Practitioners of vibrational healing (also called vibrational medicine) use a variety of modalities to promote healing by balancing the clients energy field.

 Vibrational: Vibrational Medicine has been called vibrational healing, energy medicine or subtle energy therapies. According to Richard Gerber, MD, Vibrational Medicine, Instead of conventional drug and surgical approaches, vibrational medicine attempts to treat people with pure energythe molecular arrangement of the physical body is actually a complex network of interwoven energy fields. The energetic network, which represents the physical/cellular framework, is organized and nourished by subtle energetic systems which coordinate the life-force within the body. There is a hierarchy of subtle energetic systems that coordinate electrophysiological and hormonal function as well as cellular structure within the physical body. It is primarily from these subtle levels that health and illness originate.

Word Net:
  • an energetic style
  • energy: a healthy capacity for vigorous activity; "jogging works off my excess energy"; "he seemed full of vim and vigor"
  • life force: (biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms
Merriam Webster:
  • the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving
  • capacity to live and develop; also : physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed
  • power of enduring
  • lively and animated character
The company  Vibrational Vitality, founded by Mark Trevis, is a natural growth of his work with his mentor and good friend, Ron Polack. Mark has studied with Ron for over 20 years as a Vibrational Healer in the techniques developed and practiced for over 50 years by Ron.

 Ron Polack:

As a young man Ron was interested in people and in discovering solutions to human problems, his path was toward medical practice. When he experienced healing through chiropractic, he learned about the healing power that is present within each person. It impressed him that this force, personal to each one of us, knows how to heal sickness and how to maintain health once it is achieved.

After graduation from the Canadian Chiropractic College, Ron developed a substantial practice in Toronto. As a chiropractor he released the internal healing power of his patients by locating and correcting vertebral subluxations (misalignments) in the spine to remove pressure on the nervous system, especially on the spinal cord. Over time, he became sensitive to the Energy atmosphere around people's bodies and discovered powerful therapeutic effects when he interacted with that. He incorporated this new dimension into his practice, focusing on the release of blockages in a patient's Bio-Energy Field.

Ronald has lectured in Canada, the U.S., England, France, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Australia and New Zealand. He and his wife also gained insight and experience in communal living. Communities which they had a hand in building became havens for others to learn and experience harmonious living.

In 1996, Ronald opened his office in Vancouver as a vibrational healer, health consultant and counselor/coach.

Ronald operates a successful practice in the Kerrisdale area of Vancouver. His healing expertise is based on understanding how the body works, his years of experience and his love affair with the magic of life. His hallmark is a natural, hands-on, method of regaining and maintaining health.
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