What is Reflexology?

Reflexology, or zone therapy, is the practice of massaging, squeezing, or pushing on parts of the feet, or the hands, with the goal of encouraging a beneficial effect on other parts of the body, or to improve general health.

There are reflex points on the soles of the feet that correspond to each body organ in the entire human body. These are linked by zones, meridians or energy channels. When a sickness appears in the body, the related energy channel becomes blocked. Reflexology is aimed to eliminate or reduce these blockages in an attempt at restoring the natural balance to the body, thus resulting in improved health and well being.

Reflexology is an holistic therapy treatment which can have a deep calming effect on your mind, body and feelings.

The Reflexologist does not claim any specific healing power nor does s/he try to bring about a specific result. S/he maintains a focus that to assist the individual's own innate inner intelligence helps to free deep blocks in their body's energy pattern and bring about resolution of stuck patterns at the root of problems in their life and health. In that respect, a Reflexologist is a catalyst for healing.
Reflexology Foot Chart
(Reflex areas shown may vary from one person to another because of our uniqueness and diversity)

       Brain        Stomach        Sinuses
       Spleen        Voice        Liver
       Pituitary gland        Gall Bladder        Neck and Throat
       Adrenal Gland        Eyes        Pancreas
       Ears        Kidney        Armpit
       Ureter        Shoulder and Arm        Bladder
       Lung and Breast        Colon        Heart
       Small Intestine        Thyroid and Bronchial        Coccyx
       Solar Plexus        Sciatic Nerve        Diaphragm
       Peyer's Patches        Appendix
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