How will Vibrational Healing help you?

Vibrational Healing is a complimentary holistic totally natural approach to healing which affects a person's Bio-Energy field.

In a healing session, by allowing my energy to extend through my hands, I interact with the Bio-Energy field of my client. This causes a resonant field to be created in a deep and healing manner. As I sense blockages and imbalances, I am a living catalyst to release the forces which are blocked or restricted, especially in the major chakras.

The experience enhances deep relaxation, which is the state from which only true healing can occur. The person's own healing power is given the freedom to effect positive change. Given time for the physical systems to respond, symptoms of dis-ease recede as functions harmonize and return towards normal.

Vibrational Vitality Healing is an experience that ultimately leads to a greater awareness of oneself and the world around you. It is an experience of connective and collective power residing within each of us. It can also bring forth a humility that allows our natural inner power to move unimpeded through us to another and to people at large.

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