Healing Sessions

Contact Mark today to make an appointment, or with any questions you have.

Telephone: 604-808-0034        Email: marktrevis@gmail.com

 Vibrational Vitality Healing can help you with: ADD, ADHD, Allergies, Anxiety, Asperger's, Asthma, Back Pain, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Conflict Resolution, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive Issues, Enuresis, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Hearing Issues, Hormonal Imbalances, Immune System Disorders, Insomnia, Joint Pain, Learning Issues, Lymphatic Issues, Migraines, Muscle Pain, Prenatal & Birth Trauma, PTSD, Relationship Issues, Rheumatism, Speech Disturbances, Spine Problems, Stress, Tinnitus, Trauma, Vision Issues, and more . . .

 Initial Visit:

A detailed consultation regarding a client's health and followed by a healing session
Length of session: approx 90 minutes Cost = $108

 A Vibrational Healing Session:
You are on a treatment table or reclining chair, clothed and comfortable and covered with a light blanket. Mark works on your Bio-Energy Field with his radiant hands touching or a few inches above your body.

As well as deeper and long-standing restrictions released, the more immediate residue of daily stresses and concerns also dissolve leaving a person refreshed and clear headed.

The main goal of all sessions is relaxation.

 A Reflexology Session:
You are on a treatment table or reclining chair, clothed and comfortable and covered with a light blanket. Your feet are bare and covered with a towel when not being worked on. You may receive a relaxing foot bath if requested before each treatment. Your feet will be treated with an antiseptic product for hygienic purposes. Mark works on your feet with his hands touching them with specific pressure, stretch and movement techniques.

 A Heart Resonance Therapy (HRT) Session:
What can you expect to experience from a treatment?
You are on a treatment table or reclining chair, clothed and comfortable and covered with a light blanket.

A deep sense of relaxation, calmness and peace is often experienced from a HRT treatment. Many physical, mental/emotional and spiritual symptoms can literally transform to a state of health in one session.

You can experience a shift in your awareness level and perceptions of life along with a "detachment" from your day to day issues so that the impact of negative stressors begin to lessen.

As your energies are transformed, your life is filled with Unconditional Love, compassion and much greater peace and contentment.

Change and healing on any or all levels of being is possible with Heart Resonance Therapy.

HRT energy aligns you to the energetic shift mankind is currently undergoing.

HRT awakens the Divine within.
Questions about HRT
Is Heart Resonance Therapy (HRT) only for therapists to use in their clinics?

Answer is no. In fact, HRT is one of the most powerful tools for self growth available. It brings you into a very special vibrational space allowing you to hold balance in our changing times. It also gives you a tool to access higher knowledge and understanding.

Can HRT help me to cope in our fast changing world?

By being connected to the frequency of HRT you are placed in an unconditional Loving cocoon of energy. The more you use HRT, the more you find your daily existence outplaying in Love. As a result, you no longer just cope, but truly live with joy.

Does it help me to let go of my issues towards people?

Yes HRT will hold you in an energy place removing you from attachments allowing you to become non-judgmental of people and situations. Every person that comes in contact with HRT experiences a “letting go” of negative reactions to situations in life.

Can HRT heal my injuries and illnesses?

HRT works on all levels and can bring major changes to conditions after only one treatment. Healing often occurs in many areas at the same time often bringing surprising changes in one’s life.

Can HRT help with my Spiritual growth?

Heart Resonance Therapy truly is for our new spiritual era, helping you to transition from the old into the new. HRT is very much in line with the new spiritual unfoldment we are all going through. As a result of this alignment, you are literally put at the forefront of the changes that are occurring within our spiritual connection to "all that is.

Music may be played during either Vibrational Healing or Reflexology or HRT sessions.

 In-Home Calls: Same costs as above plus travel costs of $10

 Distance Healing:
"One of the fascinating things about working with vibration is that distance is not a barrier to the healing process. Our personal energy field, while continuous and interactive with the physical body, is not limited to the so-called three dimensions. When you think of it, the same is true of the mind and feelings. We can only be in one place at a time physically, while we can project our mind to visualize other places and receive feelings from the past. Sometimes in anticipation we project our feelings and thoughts into the future."

"Intuitive connections with friends in far places, and substantiated reports of healing through prayer go back centuries. Some people have the ability to perceive the energy field of another. Professional Medical Intuitives are being used to assist with medical diagnosis. The scientific community has tended to push these matters out of the way as idle imagination, but current evidence, clinical and scientific, is forcing acknowledgement." -- Ron Polack
My own experience in distance healing began when I had cervical surgery (fusion of the 6th & 7th vertebrae) and was confined for a time period to my bed and afterwards limited movement in the confines of home. Ron and I would set a time and he would support me with Vibrational Healing from a distance. The results I experienced were substantial and my recovery was fast, full and complete. During further training with Ron, I have developed the ability to do this work also.

Vibrational Vitality Guidelines for High Frequency Energetic Resonance Sessions
Suggested format for clients High Frequency Energy Transmissions

Place your 4 lower bodies (physical/mental/emotional/spiritual) in a safe and nurturing environment.

10 minutes
  • Choose a quiet place and get yourself comfortable
  • Relax through rhythmic deep conscious breathing
  • Allow yourself to feel what is going on with you. Don’t name it, just feel it.
  • Let yourself feel the current of warmth moving around the top of your head
  • Let it flow through your body: neck, shoulders, arms, hands, back, hips, legs, feet, organs, glands, blood, cells, etc wherever it moves to of its own accord.
20 minutes
  • Specific awareness (concentration) from your waist down: solar plexus - pelvic area – legs and feet
  • Sense the release in each area and the flow, all directions.
20 minutes
  • Specific awareness of all areas of your body.
  • Sense the release in each area and the flow, all directions.
  • Focus your attention and Love on the part or area of your body that you have identified as needing special care and healing.
10 minutes
  • Rhythmic deep conscious breathing – become aware of your breath.
  • Become aware of the relaxation you feel within.
  • Let yourself become aware of what's happening in the various parts of your body.
  • Let yourself become aware of your vibrational (energy) body, around you and extending further out into the room … and beyond… amplify and expand.
  • - Finish with 3 deep inhalations and exhalations of air.
Process for General Assistance
  • Sit quietly, and think carefully about the area around which you want light held or extra assistance. Review all the thoughts you have had about this area, the people involved, and what you have already done about it. Ask yourself, will I use the help or assistance I am requesting? Am I really ready to transform this situation? Let go of all thoughts of this situation, worries about possible outcomes, and simply hold it in your mind as energy that needs more light. You might even make a symbol of this situation.
  • Go to the deepest part of your being and make the commitment to grow through joy rather than through pain and struggle in this area.
  • Think of this situation and formulate a request for help.
  • Relax your body, calm your emotions, and clear your mind. From this state of peace and clarity, ask for assistance from your Higher Self, your Soul, your Guide, an Angel, Master, or who/whatever feels right.
  • Imagine that one or more of these Beings, including your soul and higher self, are responding to your call. Receive the light that is being sent to you. Let this light come into your heart, so you can find loving solutions. Receive light into your mind, so you can know more clearly what steps to take. Draw this light into your throat, so you can speak and say those things that will transform this situation.
  • Let go of any feeling, thought or picture of how your situation will change. Surrender your expectations and be open to receive whatever is for your highest good.
  • Remember to thank your Higher Self, your Guides or Masters for their help. The greatest gift you give them is using this light for your growth. Guides can only give you as much assistance and extra light as you use, so take the action and make the changes that occur to you. Your contribution to changing this situation is as important as the light that will be sent to you.
  • Bring your open heart and a willingness to transform so you will experience freedom and a dynamic sense of adventure and play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Vibrational Vitality Healing Special: All healing sessions can be purchased in a series of 5 sessions at a 15% discount.
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